
How to get the most out of OOW17?

Did you know?

  • 60% of the information is forgotten in less than 48 hours after listening to a speech.
  • 1/3 of people do not go through an informative blog.
  • 90% of what we do we will remember and only 40% of what we read we remember and 10% of what we have heard we remember.

About Oracle OpenWorld 2017

Oracle OpenWorld is an annual event held in San Francisco, California. It is a convention attracting business decision makers, IT professionals, Oracle partners, Oracle users and Students. It is the Oracle’s largest conference for their customers and technologists, it includes keynotes from Oracle executives with several technical & non-technical sessions and workshops in Moscone Convention Center. Oracle OpenWorld 2017 conference took place in San Francisco, California from Oct 1-5, 2017. It was attended by more than 75,000 professionals and additional 12 million were following the event online.


What can we learn from Oracle open world 2017?

Versatility: In this year’s Oracle OpenWorld the Oracle team created a path for each individual to reach a journey of greater learning. They created new sessions formats that cultivated deeper understanding and retention through participation, collaboration, and entry to meeting places.

Unconventional: Any conference in the world there would be traditional style lectures where audience sits and listens while the speaker presents materials. But it is not the best way for an audience to retain information. Free space in the auditorium is intentionally redesigned with flows & structures to maximize people to learn and retain information.

Collaboration:  Creating new opportunities for people to collaborate and engage in healthy conversation with the technology they are familiar about. Home Room is the new concept in OOW17 where attendees gather to discuss about the lecture they have just attended, this helps people to ask the burning questions they have before running off to next lecture. All are given time to reflect and wrap up the conversation on the technologies they are familiar with.

Cross-Promotion: Along with Oracle in San Francisco, other technology partners were hosting events allowing cross-promotion of products. Example Java One and Oracle Code would bring a potential mix of developers and coders. Suite connect is an event by NetSuite which would bring business leaders of all sizes.


Top Announcements in OOW17

Rivalry: Oracle introduces a list of new offerings and enhancements to its cloud suite as it takes head to head rivalry with AWS. In the speech by Larry Ellison, he particularly mentioned “It will be less than one half of what Amazon charges you, we will write that in your contract”

AI in everything: Oracle introduced Artificial Intelligence in almost everything they offer from products to services. AI platform cloud services, an automated AI development environment for cloud services. Introduction of AI powered chatbot for their mobile cloud portfolio. Oracle launches “Adaptive Intelligence Apps”, adding AI and machine learning capabilities to its existing products.

Blockchain Cloud Service: Oracle launches a new “Blockchain Cloud Service” which is an enterprise-grade platform to help customers increase their business velocity and create new revenue streams. An Oracle Blockchain cloud service provides enterprise-grade blockchain capabilities and is able to accelerate innovation for on-premises ERP and cloud-based SAAS and PAAS customers.

No:1 in cloud and strategy to retain it: In day two of OOW17, Oracle’s CEO said that “the next priority is to get our platform rewritten and build for the cloud, then really rebuild our infrastructure strategy”. On top of updating its cloud applications, Oracle made billion-dollar investments.

Technologies Introduced in OOW17

            A various number of new technologies were introduced in OOW17 and there were many updates to the existing Oracle services & technologies. To start with, Oracle Autonomous Database by Larry Ellison, it is the world’s first self-driving database. Automated database to protect your organization’s rising security threats.

Cloud – Cloud is transformational, and is the foundation of every business in the future.

Apps – Oracle introduces a line of next-generation business apps to achieve exceptional ROI and unimaginable growth. Apps are built with latest innovations in data science, machine learning, adaptive intelligence and IoT applications.

Artificial Intelligence – Artificial intelligence forms the center part of all the discussion and keynotes. An autonomous database and highly automated cybersecurity system works primarily on AI. From using a separate AI application, Oracle going to integrate/built AI in all the systems.

About the Autor
: Hi, my name is M.R. Jagannath and I am a marketing enthusiast with passion for data science, technology and social media. Joined 4i Apps solutions in Marketing department.

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